Post-Ramones Empire of NYC and Beyond
Bands, clubs, scenes, subcults, sounds and situations. “NYC really has it all, oh ye-ah, oh yeah.”
- Nut Job
- Betty Bradley (my mom)
- by Tom Smucker
- Walter’s Waldos
- Dee Dee Shrine, L.A
- Verlaine Hell
- With Marky at Bowery Ballroom
- SlugWives
- Linda Ramone
- Hilly of CBGB’s
- WPPB-FM Interview with Brodget LeRoy and Mick Hargreaves
- Johnny Thunders
- Walter Lure
- Richard Goldstein, Vince Aletti, Village Voice
- Book Release Party Reading at Bowery Electric
- Fighting for CBGB’s
- Arturo and friends
- Ronnie Spector and Joey Ramone
- Dr. John Sumser
- Blaccard and Marky
- NutJob
- Corpse Grinders
- At Arturo’s with Nappy
- Slugs
- Slugs
- Sea Monster
- Ray
- Mickey & Charlotte
- Billy Rogers
- Jenny Lens Cover for my Voice article
- Liv & Jesse
- My Office
- Melissa & Jeanne Fury
- Origin of the Species
- Dee Dee at the Chelsea
- Beloved
- Dictators Forever, Forever Dictators
- Soul of the Ramones
- Lenny Kaye
- The Metal Years
- Sammy Yaffa
- Forever
- The Bowery Electric
- Corpse Grinder Wives Tessa and Suzie
- Deborah Harry
- Our Home
- Wayne Robbins
- Tommy & Claudia/Uncle Monk
- Richie Ramone
- Miss debra & Monte A. Melnick
- Misfits at Arturo’s loft
- Sk8rKats
- Mick Hargreaves
- Danny Rey
- Independents
- Joey Family
- With Arturo at CBGB Gallery
- Dee Dee Tribute at Trash & Vaudeville
- NY’s Finest
- Tessa & Slugmobile
- Jean
- with Dan at Flipper
- Larry the Duck, Jana Peri, Rob Holm
- Bruddahs
- End of Century
- Music is the Kids’ Religion
- Johnny Ramone
- The Sisters
- Johnny Bully R.I.P
- Steve Beal
- Author Photo by Lucian Truscott IV
- Restless Youth
- Corpse Grinders with Billy Rogers
- Balls of the Ramones
- The Fight to Keep CBGBs
- Dirty Ed Lynch of Los Gusanos and Dean Lynch
- Tinarwin
- Metallica Alcohollica
- Mariano Ashe & Artie
- Rachel & Millie
- Dr. Leah Perry
- Boy Doll
- Kitty Kowalski & me
- with Marky in Rockway
- 1-2-3-4!
- Bullys
- with Lenny Kaye, CBGBs
- Rick, Johnny and Ray
- R.I.P Rise in Glory
- Flipper
- Clem Burke/Elvis Ramone
- Daniel Rey
- Bowery Electric Ramones Book Release Party 10/9/18
- Ajax
- Tessa & Ray
- Monte & me
- Author Bill German and Keith
- Johnny’s Army
- Blondie
- Bad Religion
- Nikki
- Andy Shernoff
- Charlotte Lesher and me at CBGB’s
- Los Ramones
- Rob Holm
- Ivan
- Ramones & Beachboys Surf it Deep
- Bobby Adams and RayMERA
- Artie & Monte
- Slugs
- Steven Van Zandt
- Slugs with Billy Rogers
- with Charlotte Lesher
- Lauren Zussmen R.I.P
- PUNK Magazine founders
- Kitty Kowlaski
- Misfits
- Monte & me
- Howard Stern
- First Cover, Village Voice 1988
- Slugs
- The Fight to Save CBGBs
- Johnny Cash
- Beastessa
- with CJ Ramone, and Michael Stamberg
- Ray, Tessa and Jeanne Fury
- Rick Rivets & Ray
- Erin of Barnard and NYC
- Keith and Monte
- Handsome Dick & Son
- Ray & Tessa, Mudd Club NYC
- Patriotism
- Immortal
- Robert Holm and Jana Peri
- Joey & Dee Dee, The Remainz
- Punks
- Punk Patriarchy
- CorpseGrinders
- Joey and me, Continental, 1996
- George Tabb
- Monte Melnick and Linda Ramone
- Continental
- Johnny Thunders
- Johnny
- True Love
- Tom Smucker and Bob Christgau
- Joey and Blackfire
- Bullys, DTK LAMF
- 1-2-3-4!
- Warhol Wall Exhibit
- Bullys
- Charlotte & Joey
- Mandy Stein
- Lindsey Anderson and Marvin Percival of the UK
- Da Bruddahs
- Velvets & Andy
- Slugs
- Miss Debra
- Bill German and Johnny Ramone
- Tessa & Ray 1979
- Ramones & Beachboys Surf it Deep
- Ramones Rules
- Dan
- Jayne County
- CBGB’s Gallery
- RamonesWorldFaith
- Henry
- Music Matters Authors Tom Smucker and DG
- Photographer Leslie Hill
- Sid
- Arturo and Jed Collider
- Johnny Cash
- Arturo’s
- Tessa & Ray 1978
- Music Matters Editor Evelyn McDonnell
- Why The Ramones Matter
- Lenny Kaye
- Janna & Rob
- Sea Monster
- Arturo’s
- Norm Prusslin and Larry Dunn
- Tauk guitarist Matt Jalbert and fiance Kay Casey with Aunt Tessa
- Mr. Bonge
- Dee Dee & Barbara
- Nancy, Noel & Joey
- Maul Malone
- Bridge & Tunnel Girl
- Flipper
- Bill German
- Slugs
- Arturo and a friend
- Slugs at My Father’s Place
- The Professors
- Anthony James Mixon lll R.I.P
- with CJ Ramone, Bellmore Public Library 2018
- Dee Dee
- Tattoo Museum. Ft. Bragg, CA
- David and Me
- Mr. Bonge
- Eric
- Tony
- Heart of the Ramones
- Jesse Malin
- Aunt Tessa & Uncle Ray
- Human People guitarist Marissa and the Gershenhorns
- Tom Smucker & Monte
- Joey at home
- Gabba Gabba Hey!
- Bowery Boys
- Blackfire
- Yeah yeah yeah!
- Beloved
- CorpseGrinders
- Evil Presley
- Mr. Bonge’s Back
- Mr. Steve Bonge
- Rev. Dr. Donna Gaines
- Boys are Back in Town
- George DuBose
- Party Girls
- Hey Ho
- Sandy Leib (Mrs. Joe Vincent)
- Book Launch, October 9, 2019
- Corpse Grinders at Continental NYC
- Outsiders
- Marky
- Bob Gruen & Eppy

Book Tour 2018-19
- Spotted in Amsterdam!
- Jewlee Trudden, Innersleve Fecords, Amagansett, 7/13/19
- Me and my bestie
- The Holms
- Chip Rock!
- DJ Wake n’ Bake
- Bridget Leroy and EJ
- Surf Grand Champion & Artist Stevie White
- Our Hosts, Innersleeve Records
- Stage
- Art Show—Long Beach Arts Council May, 2019
- Civitas Ad Mare
- Art School Dropout Dr. Gaines.
- Discipleship
- Astoria Bookstore
- Bridget LeRoy my grrrrl
- Officer Sperber (nephew)
- Editor Evelyn McDonnell and her Authors
- PopCon at MoPop (Museum of Pop Culture, Seattle)
- Voice Writers at Unbound Bookfest, Joan Morgan and me
- Our Panel–Unbound Bookfest, April 2019, Missouri.
- Why The Ramones Matter Book Tour 10/18-7/19
- 4th Generation New Yorker eats pizza in Missouri…and survives
- Mopop Panel: The Music Matters Authors and their editor.
- Ramones Theory
- Unbound!
- Authors in the Bardo
- Spreading the Goon News aAccording to the Ramone at PopCon/MoPop, April 2019
- Trish Romano, Village Voice sisters
- St. John’s Lutheran, presentation
- Ramones Fans—cousins Donna & Sarah!
- Chihuly Garden and Glass
- Ramones Theory
- Ramones Laws
- St. John’s Luthran by the Sea, presentation
- Artists in partnership Award, Women in the arts, recipient, 2019
- Former Editor Holly George-Warren and my amazing student!
- Authors & Rockers at Rough Draft, Kingston, 3/31/19
- ESUNHY ESC Students hanging out at Rough Draft Books with Music Matters authors
- Young Rochelles
- “Women in the Arts” Award recipient, 2019
- LB Badass rockers
- Rough Draft, Kingston.
- Ramones & Beachboys surf the Hudson
- Huntington Arts Centre/Litfest
- Slugs!
- Bill German and Donna Gaines
- Cool Hand Ukes
- Bill & Claudia
- Tank and Janet Gallagher
- Long Beach Library Rocks
- Whenever two or more of us are gathered, the Ramones will appear!
- Young Rochelles
- Long Beach Public Library
- Dr. Leah Perry, Astoria
- Ramones & Beachboys surf Astoria
- Roslyn, NY
- Rob Holm & Teddy B!
- Ramones & Beachboys surf Marble–churchy!
- With Pastor Eric Mull
- Kathleen Warnock at Katz Deli
- Canio Books, Sag Harbor
- Mick Hargreaves,Sag Harbor
- Lucian K. Truscott IV and Tracy Harris,Sag Harbor
- Norman Prusslin & Larry the Duck at SUNY StonyBrook
- Reading, Rogh Drafy, Kingston
- My Hendren Sisters, Rhinebeck
- NPR Interview Sound Opinions with Jim DeRogatis
- Wild ones at Unbound Book Fest
- Wild ones at Unbound Booksfest
- Music Matters Authors with Editor
- Grand Marshall Lucian K. Truscott IV
- Roger Ramones from Italy
- Joey Ramone Birthday Bash, 2019
- Me, Mistress Deb & Dizzy Ramone
- Michel & Carey
- Phillip and Me
- Dorene Rose and Friends
- Street Corner Society Wins
- KGB Bar Reading, 10/2018
- Monte A. Melnick & me
- Signing schedule, Unbound Lit Fest
- Signing, with Claudia
- Mission & Ministry at the PopCon, Seattle
- Evelyn McDonnell and Associates
- Ramones & Beachboys Surf it Deep